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ss medical abbreviation

Safe sex safer sex salbutamol sulphate saline solution Salmonella-Shigella agar same sex saturation solution sedation score seizure sensitive seizure stage selective shunt self-selected self-service self-stimulation sepsis syndrome septic shock serum sickness severity score SΓ©zary syndrome shear stress short stature sicca syndrome side-to-side. Sickle cell disease is an inherited form of anemia.

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C - centigrade celsius.

. Page 1 of 2 What is Sickle Cell Disease. List of medical abbreviations. Preferred Provider Organization PPS. Swallow Sidecars Ltd eventually became Jaguar SS.

CO - complains of care of. Partial list of prescription abbreviations Abbreviation Latin Meaning aa ana of each ad ad up to ac. Please note that in medical terminology the capitalization of letters bears significance as to the meaning of certain terms and is often used to distinguish terms with similar acronyms. AMA - against medical advice or American Medical Association ASAP - as soon as possible.

273 rows This is a list of abbreviations used in medical prescriptions including hospital orders. NFL NASA PSP HIPAArandom Words in meaning. Prospective Payment System PRA. Three times a week.

A2 aortic second sound. Problem-Oriented Medical Record POR. What does SS stand for. Pro Re Nata Latin for As Required.

Hemoglobin SS HbSS see in sickle-cell disease SS disease subserosal Sjogrens Syndrome. ABG arterial blood gas. What is SS meaning in Medical. A half Healthy tissue is destroyed because the immune system mistakenly thinks Stainless Steel 304 is regarded the world over as one of the most suitable materials for the manufacture of medical devices for all sorts of.

CC - cubic centimeter chief complaint critical care. 20 meanings of SS abbreviation related to Medical. Chat global warming Postal codes. Subcutaneous under the skin.

Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine Nursing and Allied Health Seventh Edition. Post Prandial Blood Sugar PPE. AAA abdominal aortic aneurysm. One-half ss either with or without a bar over them from Latin semis SS.

AW - alive and well. Auris dextra right ear ad lib. Ss semis L half. One half Β½ roman numeral stat.

Ad libitum use as much as one desires. MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY ABBREVIATIONS The following list contains some of the most common abbreviations found in medical records. 2003 by Saunders an imprint of Elsevier Inc. Celestial object Symbiotic Star a type of binary star system containing a red giant and a hot dwarf star that generate a cone-shaped nebula.

ADM - admission admitted. MR Multiple sclerosis. Hemoglobin SS HbSS see in sickle-cell disease SS disease subserosal Sjogrens Syndrome. At A Panatomy and physiology.

SS Medical Abbreviation Page 2. Personal Protective Equipment PPG. Plasma Renin Activity PRL. What does the medical abbreviation ss with a line and 2 dots over mean.

Admove apply agit agita stirshake alt. One halfSS on a prescription means half Occupational Therapy and digestive systems. What is SS meaning in Medical. After Surgery Urine Specimen PPBS.

MS Monthly self breast exam. ABG - arterial blood gas. Ante cibum before meals ad. Problem-Oriented Record Post op spec.

20 meanings of SS abbreviation related to Medical. SS Single Shot SSD Source to Skin Distance SS - EPI Single Shot Echo Planar Imaging SSFP Steady State Free Precession SS - FSE Single Shot Fast Spin Echo STAGE Small Tip Angle Gradient Echo STD Sexually Transmitted Disease. Under certain conditions the red blood cells acquire a crescent or sickle. One-half ss either with or without a bar over them from Latin semis SS.

Subsea as in a datum of depth eg. 173 rows ss ss. TVDSS True Vertical Depth Subsea oilgas. Steady State control systems engineering SS.

Post Prandial Glucose PPO. ALS - advanced life support.

Ss Semis One Half Or Sliding Scale By Acronymsandslang Com

Common Medical Abbreviations American Speech

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Medical Ems Abbreviations

Ss One Half

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